mercredi 29 mai 2013

3D Printer Project

I belong to the robotic club of my engineering school and we have a new project. It is divided in two part : first build a 3D Printer, then print chess pieces that we have modelised with CATIA V5. The 3D Printer name is Prusa Mendel from this website A Prusa Mendel For the moment we haven't done the electronic part, only the mechanical. But we will print our printed circuit soon. As regards the modelisation part,...

lundi 6 mai 2013

Quick overview of VBA

This article recap the basics things you can do with VBA. The code is read from top to bottom, with loops or not You have to totally build the user interface through a userform (insert/userform) and add buttons, labels... VBA could be considered as an oriented object programming language as well and you have methods, properties, functions, sub... 1) Userform Tip : F5 to see how your userform looks like To...

dimanche 5 mai 2013

Modifiying a sketch : Examples and exercices

I told you how to add a sketch and only a sketch. Now I present you some examples and exercices to modify sketches. WARNING : If you want to use the macro recorder, don't forget to leave the sketch mode by the exit workbench button, or nothing will be recorded. First, here you have the basic lines, which are needed every time, with the two alternatives : With the sketch directly in the main body sub your_sub() Dim CATIA As Object On Error Resume Next Set CATIA = GetObject("CATIA.Application") If Err.Number <> 0 Then  Set...

jeudi 2 mai 2013

CATIA Structure

What is the CATIA structure ? The CATIA structure is quite complex and for this tutorial, you need to open V5Automation.chm. On the first page you see this :  As the color tells it, there are three types of objects in CATIA : A collection : it's basically a liste of objects An abstract object : you can't concretely create one but you need to define them An object : an entity you can create it and work with it As VBA is called...

Introduction to CATIA V5 Automation

CATIA V5 is a powerful tool in the CAO field. With some work you could be able to design almost everything. But how many time will you need, for example, to create ALL screws in your assembly ? With each type ? Each diameter ? Hopefully a tool named VBA exist to get rid of this waste of time.  I will present  you the very basics applications of using VBA macros with CATIA V5. First of all CATIA V5 can be piloted with mainly three...